Trade Finance Solutions for Exporters


transactions to bridge the gap between buyers and sellers 


working capital to manage your business 


processing for quick service 

Learn more about our Trade Finance Solutions for Exporters

Here are our accounts with complimentary features

Exports – Letter of Credit Advising

Worldwide presence
Swift Key arrangement

Letter of Credit issued by foreign bank (importer’s bank) through SWIFT are authenticated by us & advised to the beneficiary (exporter)

  • Access to vast network of correspondent banks for efficient Letter of Credit (LC) handling
  • Worldwide reach & ‘Swift Key’ arrangement with major global banks
  • Fast & accurate advising of LC

Export Bills for Collections

Widespread global reach
Convenient collection of export proceeds

Handling export documents basis exporter’s instructions to obtain payment and/or acceptance from the importer's bank.

  • Hassle-free documentation process both under Letter of Credit & documentary collections, reduced turnaround time
  • Special on demand advisory services & document checking
  • Extensive global network & reach

Export Remittances (Inward Remittances)

Seamless remittance
Competitive exchange rate

Easiest method to receive money in your account from overseas business partner

  • Seamless receipt of remittances for exports & other purposes
  • Multi-currency support (USD, EUR & GBP)
  • Competitive exchange rates & transfer fees